Thursday, March 22, 2012


Ten years ago I met the coolest little girl.
I met a girl who I loved instantly and she me loved back instantaneously.

Ten years ago I beheld little eyes for the first time that I would spend the rest of my life bewildered by.

I held little hands that I would cherish holding as each day came.

Ten years ago I found a heart like mine.

I found awareness, to fathom true love for the first time.

Ten years ago I found a journey that transformed my life and made every choice different from that moment on.

In the last ten years I have understood happiness, compassion, serenity, strength, laughter, gratitude, optimism, confidence, grace, integrity, and pure contentment more than ever before.

Ten years ago I met a little girl who would clearly define who I am, who would teach me more than I could ever teach her.

Ten years ago through the precious love of a child I began to apprehend the gravity of how loved I am as a child of God.

I began to hold reverence for all creation, feel the sunshine like never before, appreciate the colors of the world in a renewed way.

Ten years ago, I found the ultimate adventure, and my saving grace. Ten years ago I became your mommy, my life became a beautiful place the very moment I met you and each day later.

I am amazed by you, inthe way you love, your passionate spirit, zaniness, and wild heart.

Ten years ago was the start of a brand new day ,a purpose more profound, a life with undefinable significance.

Each year I have had with you, I have forever tucked inside my heart, I treasure each moment we spend together and always will.
Ten years ago today you made one happy mama, and I will never take a single day of that gift for granted.

Happy 10thbirthday to my brown eyed girl.

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